Hey there, tech leader! Are you climbing the corporate ladder but sometimes feel like you're hitting a glass ceiling? Maybe you're navigating the tricky waters of a job search. Crafting that resume, prepping for interviews, and wondering how to strategically manage your career path—it's a lot, isn't it?

I hear you. It's like standing at a complex intersection and wondering which road to take. Should I level up my leadership skills? Am I effective enough in my current role? Is this career journey even taking me where I want to go?

You're not alone in this maze. And guess what? You're in the right place to find your way out.

With my two decades of experience scaling the heights of tech companies from Bloomberg to Indeed, I've been where you are. I've wrestled with the same questions, and I've helped hundreds of ambitious professionals like you transform these career obstacles into stepping stones for monumental success.

Let me make you a promise: By the end of our first session, not only will you have a clear roadmap tailored just for you, but you'll also have the wind in your sails—confidence, resources, and a game plan—to make your professional dreams a reality.

Don't just take my word for it. Check out what Lauren, a Senior Product Manager at Amazon, had to say: "Jay's mentorship was a game-changer for me. He distilled complex career strategies into simple, actionable steps. I walked away from our session with a newfound confidence and a concrete plan. Highly recommend!"

Just like Lauren, you can unlock the power of personalized mentorship that cuts through the noise and gives you the strategies you need to soar in your career.

So, what are you waiting for?

Click that button and Book Your First Mentorship Session NOW!

Got more questions or still on the fence? No worries, you can check out the FAQs below or drop me a quick email at [email protected] to explain your situation and I will help as much as I can.

The future of your career isn't just a dream; it starts today. Are you ready to make it happen?

"If you're standing at the crossroads of your tech career, Jay is the mentor you want guiding you. With razor-sharp insights into the unique dynamics of the tech industry, he helps you align your skills and aspirations with real-world needs. His actionable advice isn't just generic guidance; it's a tailored blueprint for your career growth. Don't miss his post-session email summaries; they're gold. I wholeheartedly recommend Jay for anyone seeking to up their leadership game or ace that dream job interview!" — Sandeep Verma, Engineer Manager at Amazon
"Navigating the tech world isn't for the faint of heart. This is where Jay's coaching comes into play. In just one session, he dispelled my self-doubts and gave me a newfound confidence in my leadership capabilities. He listens—truly listens—and then provides strategic solutions to your challenges. If you're serious about transforming your team and yourself, Jay is the mentor you've been waiting for." — Abhishek Gupta, Manager Software Engineering, PayPal
"From the very first session, Jay was deeply committed to my professional growth. He didn't just offer advice; he followed up to ensure I was making headway on our discussed action points. His mastery in both the American and Indian tech ecosystems brings a unique, cross-cultural lens to his coaching. If you're eyeing a leadership role or just want to fine-tune your job search, Jay is your go-to expert." — Janardhanan V, SDM at Amazon
"What sets Jay apart is his holistic approach to mentorship. He's not just teaching you how to excel in your job or how to lead a team; he's teaching you how to excel in your career. With Jay, you're not just another mentee. You're a future leader he's deeply invested in. If you're ready for some life-altering professional growth, Jay's the mentor you've been searching for." — Debaleena Paul, Director at Tiktok
"Jay has a keen eye for detail—nothing escapes his notice. During our interview prep session, he pinpointed several areas where I could improve, providing clear, actionable advice. His approach isn't cookie-cutter; it's customized to you, your industry, and your unique challenges. After our session, I felt more prepared and empowered than ever before. Jay, you're a game-changer in career coaching!" — Ashish Jaiswal, Senior Manager at Velsera

For quick conversations, you can also book me on TopMate.io

Personal Coaching / Mentorship

Conducted over Zoom, we have a single hour-long meeting or recurring meeting series on the topic(s) of your choice. Seth Godin wrote an interesting article on the importance of having a coach.

A few examples of what we could discuss:

  • Promotion and growth coaching - We discuss your current position, the steps you've taken, and what comes next. I've gone through the promotion process at Amazon for many employees. I'm comfortable and excited to help others with the process and steps.
  • Career goals or changes - We discuss what you want to do, what interests you, and how you might move your career in the right direction. At Amazon, I spent time growing the Amazon Canada product and engineering teams. I am the founding father of the engineering team at Amazon Canada and I'm familiar with changing positions, changing direction, and changing focus.
  • General mentorship - Mentorship and general leadership advice. You bring the topics, and we talk through them.


Email me at [email protected] with your requirements and we will take it from there.

Interview Preparation / Mock Interview

An interview prep session is a 90-minute Zoom/Google Meet video call.

  1. I prepare questions that are appropriate to your planned position and level. Note: These will be behavioral questions, not technical questions.
  2. We start by discussing your current interview status and what you know about the loop, and I'll discuss some general advice. This is also a great time to ask any questions you'd like.
  3. During our video call, I will ask a few behavioral questions. I can't predict what questions will be asked in your actual interview, but practicing answering behavioral questions is valuable for getting through a loop.
  4. Between each question, I pause and provide advice or corrections on the content and style of the answers you're giving.
  5. As we run low on time, I'll usually switch to general feedback and recommendations regarding the interview process, and suggestions for how to be successful. You will also have a chance to ask any final questions you might have.
  6. (New!) As a free bonus, if/when you get an offer, I'll be available via email for negotiation advice. I usually respond within 24 hours. I can provide advice on how to approach the process, and how to make counter-offers. No guarantees for results! I just love helping people get paid what they're worth.
  7. If you're interested in a shorter session, we can also do a 60-minute session. That means fewer interview questions, but there's still a ton of value to be had.


Email me at [email protected] with your requirements and we will take it from there.